KUKA Robotics Training Programme

Last week, I attended a training programme at KUKA Robotics Pune from the 2nd to 4th of May. During the programme I learn’t how to jog and master the axes, calibrate the various co-ordinate systems and tools, calibrate it for different payloads and supplementary loads and also some basic logic programming. The trip to

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Techfest 2015 – IIT Bombay

Techfest 2015! IIT Bombay’s most awaited techfest was held last month from 26th to 28th December. I participated in Maze Runner, a competition which was part of an event called Technovoltz. The participants had to build an autonomous robot which could follow a white line and keep track of directions while traversing the maze. The

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Project GEIT

During the last week of my Diwali vacations, I had the wonderful opportunity to be part of Project GEIT (Goans Empowered with Information Technology) and teach Scratch programming as a volunteer instructor to students at 3 village schools. The project was divided into 10-day camps conducted at the following schools: Azmane High

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