Here’s a simple circuit which you can use to charge any device that uses a USB charger. (Smartphones, Tablets, Portable music players, etc.)
Components used:
- Soldering board (1)
- Voltage regulator 7805A (1)
- 9 volt battery (1)
- Battery snap (1)
- Solid wire- White/Black color (2 cm)
- Solid wire- Red color (2 cm)
- Female USB connector – Type A
The components were purchased from J.M.P. Dias, Panjim.
Tools used:
- Soldering iron
- Wire cutter/stripper
Assembly of parts was done as shown below:
How it works:
The 9 volt battery is connected to the battery snap. Such batteries cannot be used to charge any device directly (because the device will blow), so an IC is used to reduce the voltage to 5 volts. The power now goes to the USB connector, from where any USB charger cord can be plugged in.
The finished model:
Wow, some of these are very impressive. I was just starting a new blog about a month ago and I was looking around for a theme.Really wish I had seen some of these beforehand.