After quite a few years, I finally managed to figure out how to put a Flysky FS-TH9X transmitter/receiver pair to good use, without putting it in the sky. Quick question: If a project doesn’t run on the ground, and doesn’t get off the ground, where do you put it? Answer:
Read moreStomper
First off, let’s get a few facts straight: It walks albeit with heavy steps, which is quite obvious, considering the fact that it has ankles of metal and feet of acrylic and rubber. It needs an external power bank to power the Arduino Nano R3 due to power supply fluctuations.
Read moreRexplorer v2
Rexplorer v2 is a fully autonomous self-mapping robot to be used for indoor purposes. My original intention was to develop a robot which could map an unknown area and relay the data to a monitoring system so as to provide real-time feedback about the layout of external environment. I ended
Read moreMouse controlled Sign Board using Raspberry Pi & Topping Pi
This is a mouse controlled signboard made using Raspberry Pi (the world’s smallest computer) and a new circuit board called Topping Pi (designed and manufactured by Inventrom Robotics, Goa). The program was written in Scratch GPIO 5. A simple programming language, yet amazing in capabilities! Click on the picture to see
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